All printable guides can be found here for download: Printable Free Birth and/or Home Birth Guides
Photo by: Jessica Rinehart, The Heart of Now Photography, LLC
Labor and Birth Checklist: with links
Snacks and electrolyte drinks (see labor snacks and drinks printable)
4-6 old towels
Comfortable robe and nursing bras
Battery operated tea-light candles / pool lights for birth pool
Labor/Birth Guides (see printable guides below)
Birth pool (I like the earthside pretty white one, but the oasis is a more affordable option)
Air pump for birth pool
Pool liner (you can get the ones that go with your birth pool, or get a generic option)
Plastic covers - (cover your floor, carpets, couch, etc. — this sticky plastic is worth the purchase so you aren't tripping over plastic on the floor, and it provides the most waterproof protection)
Hose, faucet adapter, and pump
Water heater (buyer beware: I have not personally found one that works super well, yet)
Handheld mirror (if you want to see your baby crowning)
Underwater flashlight (if desired)
Water birth gloves (if desired)
Birth ball (this is the one I have and it is pet hair resistant)
CUB birthing stool (if desired — a toilet works just as well, just don't birth your baby in the toilet!)
25+ Chux pads
Bluetooth speaker (I like the JBL speakers but you can use any speaker you have)
String lights (if you want to decorate your birth space)
Untamed Birth's Free Christian Affirmations (digital download on
Essential Oils and diffuser (see list for uses below — Revive oils are not an MLM and are comparable to DoTerra or Young Living oils)
Gentle birth tincture without cohosh
Birth & Immediate Postpartum
For Baby:
Receiving blankets/4-6 new and warm towels from the dryer
Nose Frida, bulb syringe or your mouth
2-3 Cord clamps or umbilical tie (etsy has tons of unbilical ties — even if you're planning on cord burning, it's good to have these on hand just in case)
Beeswax candles if you're cord burning
Cord burning box if you're cord burning
Sterile umbilical scissors - still in packaging
Eldon card & sterile syringe needle to draw blood from the cord
Scale (either hanging or an animal scale off amazon)
Baby sling for hanging scale
For Mama and Birth Team/Partner:
Herbs and salt for placenta if you're planning a lotus birth
Disposable tin pan for placenta if freezing, encapsulating, or planting
Gauze sponges for bleeding/tears
Large trash bag for waste
Angelica tincture (for a slow to come placenta)
Shepherd's Purse tincture (for hemorrhage)
Yunnan Baiyou herb (for hemorrhage)
Peppermint essential oil (for nausea, energy, or use in toilet for a slow to come placenta)
Cypress essential oil (rubbed on thighs to help prevent excessive bleeding)
For baby:
Newborn diapers (cloth or disposable)
Coconut oil or olive oil (for wiping meconium)
Baby wipes
Sound machine (if desired)
Nail scissors or file kit
Organic clothes (if desired — I prefer lots of skin to skin following the days after birth)
Car seat (even if you aren't planning on going anywhere, this is good to have ready to go ahead of time, just in case plans change)
Infant tummy relief by Earthley Wellness
For Mom:
After Ease tincture or Ease the Ache tincture (for after pains)
Manuka honey, comfrey & goldenseal salve or goldenseal myrrh compound, and seaweed (for healing tears)
Arnica homeopathy (for pain)
Magnesium lotion by Earthley Wellness
Nipple balm or lanolin
Lots of warm bedside snacks
Nipple shields (make sure you get the right size for your nipples)
My Breast Friend breastfeeding pillow (the Boppy pillow can be used as a donut if you have hemorrhoids)
Night light (if desired for overnight baby care)
Wraps / carriers
Washable pads for breastmilk leaks overnight (put them under your sheets to protect your mattress)
Comfortable robe and nursing bras
Welcome Sign
Birth Pool: Setting Up and Draining
Birth Support Ideas For Your Partner / Team
Snacks and Drinks
Tinctures, Herbs, and Teas
Essential Oils
Labor Positions
Labor: What To Expect, What To Watch For
Notes taken from Home Birth On Your Own Terms